
Jan 2, 2019
Time, to feel hopeful
Today, I'm writing for the long ago, lost and lonely little version of Kate. She still exists somewhere inside me, because I don't let...

Dec 9, 2018
A place called Acceptance
I used to dream about being able to go back, way way back, and use what I know now to change choices I’ve made. I realized I haven’t done...

Oct 5, 2018
Thank you to thank yous!
Feelin thankful for THANK YOUs!!! Every time I move, I unpack my card wall first. It makes anywhere into a home. My card wall is a...

Feb 2, 2018
Loud about loneliness
hey, did ya hear? A good thing happened!!! This week, the first ever “Minister Of Loneliness” was appointed in England. As an initial...

Jan 31, 2018
a whole new form of communication
On #letstalk day, I’m thinking about how we check in with, and care for each other. Having friends who’ve been patient with my endless...

Oct 18, 2017
volume, force & words
* Content Warning* This week I’ve been reminded again, of the power of words. Encountering stories & words you connect with can be an...

Aug 1, 2017
Seeing what's between the places when you're in-between places
"🎶38, 38, 38 plaaaces... holllyyy shit" - (mostly from) Come From Away This was the result of trying to make a visual list of the places...

Jun 25, 2017
Security at pride/ security from pride
Yay for these lil dog dudes showing off all their bright colours today ❤️💛💙💜 You shouldn’t need bravery in order to celebrate love,...

May 18, 2017
Power from progress
Today happens to be a day that means a lot to me, it marks 2 years since a particularly challenging day. It wasn’t my worst day - I've...

Jan 25, 2017
Let's Keep Talking 🙂 (Bell Let's Talk, 2017)
I suppose if there's any good day to force words out of myself, it's today. Not because the world is suddenly more understanding and...

Jan 10, 2017
“Don't judge me, but…”
Those words seem to get said in that order, a lot. “Don't judge me” -- it's a phrase that can stick. It can linger and echo its effects...

Dec 5, 2016
The privilege of open communication
After thinking a lot about judgement, I'm reminded that I am currently extremely privileged to have the space available to be open and...

Dec 5, 2016
Mainstream Mental Health
From Instagram hashtags, to globe and mail features, and worldwide campaigns - mental health talk seems to be going mainstream! It's...

Nov 18, 2016
Come on words, you had ONE job :)
Some of the most painful moments of struggle are the ones where nothing makes sense. Some of my hardest moments, have been ones where...

Oct 30, 2016
Not Needing
I’ve always been known as a bit of a schemer. Having a plan or project on the go has always been as crucial to me as knowing the time, or...