
Oct 30, 2016
Not Needing
I’ve always been known as a bit of a schemer. Having a plan or project on the go has always been as crucial to me as knowing the time, or...

Oct 23, 2016
Taking steps forward by first stepping back
A year ago today, I stopped trying to hold together and I let myself fall apart. I didn't know it then, but that was actually a really...

Oct 18, 2016
Finding Space
A life on the inside of an inpatient psych ward is a claustrophobic one. All the small, broken pieces of many lives are suddenly...

Oct 11, 2016
Why not giving up meant giving up on University
​At the end of August, I found myself to be making a wobbly exit from a tumble drier sort of year. After somersaulting and tripping...

Oct 10, 2016
An open opening
In terms of stability and confidence, I’m probably the last person who should share their words. But I’ve been working really hard at...