Happyhappy very happy day. Today was a day that started with a trek through Autumn’s version of sunny (not to hot, hurrahh!!) and a listen to “show me the key” from secret garden. Then thanks to Volcano Theatre's inForming Content, I watched many hours fly by thanks to a great group of artists. This weekend, we are challenged to devise a performative response to a topic that I considered too big, and too scary at the beginning of the day. It was the sort of topic that, after hearing that I'd been randomly assigned to it, required me to take a few moments from the day, freeze them, and just breathe through them. With that pause, and with a step forward, I then walked into a space filled with a group of wonderful humans who's caring attitudes made today possible for me. Though our topic seemed too much at first, a day talking through it with elements of careful acknowledgement has let my understanding grow. When treated with caring and gentleness from every angle, the difficult nature of our topic gave drive and beauty to the emotion. Good job, found space theatre, you’re a reason to round out the day with another listen to “Show Me the Key”, as that's precisely what you've done for me today.