After making a difficult post yesterday, I've spent most of today wishing I hadn't. Thank you, 5thco and Amanda for reminding me that it's okay to challenge the challenging with words by providing a safe space and platform for difficult discussions on representing politicized topics in art.
I've had the pleasure of working on The Vic's poster (the picture is of an old version, so no spoilers here☺️) This process has required looking at how art– specifically through the dialogue of theatre, can let us stare down imperfection, mistakes, and regret in a way that shows the difficult beauty of our most natural and human tendencies. Sometimes, we seem to have a set ideal for what we expect happiness, and perfection to look like, but that image if often cut from many layers of complicated and somber truths. The Vic provides an incredible medium for communicating the existence of struggle in our lives and identities through blunt, but beautiful dialogue that gives voices to groups who are sometimes made to feel less due to victimization.
When I spent time in hospital and was unable to find any words, I heard someone refer to me (as if I wasn't there), as a victim. To me that situation is what feeling silenced is. I would never identify with that word except for in that moment when it was placed upon me. The only time people become victims is when we talk over them, or for them when we presume they're incapable. Having your voice heard is a privilege that not everyone has. Thank you to tonight's forum for this opportunity to converse and learn. If you’re around Queens, come join us in Theo 102, at 6:00 – the more perspectives, the better ☺️